Plaza de la Revolucion de Santiago ed Cuba. FIlm Cuba 2023

Film Production in Cuba: The Guide to Cuba Production Services

Cuba production services cover the full spectrum of filmmaking. You can consider this your Guide for Film Production in Cuba. Filming in Cuba can be a unique and exciting opportunity for filmmakers, offering a rich blend of Spanish colonial architecture, stunning beaches, and lush tropical scenery. However, producing a film abroad requires careful consideration of…

Filming in Cuba with the Arri ALexa LF.

Filming Cuba: What you need to know in 2023

Can Americans film in Cuba? Yes, Americans can film in Cuba, but they need to follow certain regulations and restrictions. Under the current US embargo on Cuba, most types of commercial activity, including filming, are prohibited without a license from the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). However, certain categories of travel,…